Education And Education: The Benefits Of College Education

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This is why college teachers need to do more than just going to the classroom and deliver lectures. As a teacher, I think of myself as a “tour bus driver with passengers who keep their window curtain closed.” It is my job to describe the intricate details of the entire scenery with love and patience to bring it alive to my passengers. Teachers need to handle teaching responsibilities as a first priority task.

My advice to teachers is not to let administrative difficulties distract them and cause them dissatisfaction. If teachers bother about these distractions, they will not do a good job in the classroom and they will fall prey to apathy.

College education pays off

College education offers many benefits. It helps us understand the world we live in and to develop our skills in reasoning, ref lection, communication, and tolerance. These skills help us resolve conf licts and solve crises that come up in the course of a personal or professional life. College education also helps us understand other people’s viewpoints, and learn how to disagree sensibly. College graduates are healthier, contribute more to their families and communities, are better parents, and raise kids who are better prepared academically.

Getting a college degree is a career necessity in today’s America. It qualifies you for many jobs and job …show more content…

Consuming gluten, even in microscopic amounts, causes the immune system to form antibodies to gluten. These antibodies attack and damage the villi of the small intestine. Nutrients from food are normally absorbed by these villi. As a result, the person with the disease cannot absorb nutrients properly and ends up malnourished, no matter how much food he or she eats. This may lead to digestive problems, weight loss, anemia, osteoporosis, infertility, neurological conditions, and even

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