Donald Trump's Leadership Style Essay

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The citizens of the United States have a very important decision coming up in the near future. This decision will impact how our country’s leadership will guide us through healthcare policy, economics, foreign policy and various other issues for the next 4 years. All of the candidates have their own leadership style, however the one I will focus on will be the Narcissist style leadership Donald Trump displays. The narcissist theory was created by Machiavelli in the year 1530. In this theory, “Machiavelli suggested that leaders need to be feared as well as malevolent” (Ledlow & Coppola, 2014). The leaders in this model use fear as a motivational tool used to manipulate the populace to the bidding of the leader. I feel like the best examples …show more content…

Trump’s utilization of this part of the theory is one of the reason’s he is the Republican front runner. Although he does not use the fear tactics utilized by Hitler and Stalin, he uses perhaps a more effective way of using fear. He makes people believe they should feel unsafe due to things such as the Muslim people. Trump has shared his ideals about the Muslim people various times. Trump has said in an interview with Fox and Friends that in order to take out ISIS “you have to take out their families” (Levitz, 2015) He has also claimed we need a “total and complete shutdown of the country’s borders to Muslims” (Pilkington, 2015). With these statements Trump is utilizing the fear of terrorist’s attacks such as 9/11 and the Paris massacre. People are scared that another attack such as those will happen on American soil again. If you do not believe me, take the word of one of his supporters “Mr. Trump is not against Muslims. . . . Not all Muslims are bad, but ISIS, they are Muslims, so I have to think we have to group them together now” (Johnson, 2016). This man later went on to say “He’s trying to keep Americans safe. Our lives are more important than theirs, and that’s just the reality” (Johnson, 2016). This clearly shows Trump’s utilization of fear tactics. Americans are afraid of terrorists and by extension …show more content…

It has worked so far for him currently he has won the primary in New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, Massachusetts, and Arkansas. If people adopt the same mindset of Trump that the “ends justify the means” (so far they have), he will continue to connect with voters and eventually win the Republican nomination. Again, the best way Trump can utilize the narcissist leadership theory is continue to use fear to manipulate voter’s emotions. Some leaders such as Hitler and Stalin have used this method in the past. The only remaining question is, will the United States allow Trump to be able to use this type of leadership in the

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