Do Some People Get The Wrong Idea About An Emotional Affair?

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Some people may get the wrong idea about an emotional affair. They may even wonder how such an affair can affect a marriage. Couples may believe that they can control their spouses by not allowing them to have friends because it can lead to such an affair. Having friends does not in itself lead to emotional affairs. Couples have friendships with people that they have made together during the marriage all the time. They also have their own individual friends that they like to hang out with.

These type of affairs start when a couple stop sharing an emotional bond, but the person begins to share that emotional connection with someone else outside of the marriage. This can be devastating to a person. It can sometimes be even more damaging than an actual affair. When a spouse begins to share all of their secrets, ideas, dreams, and goals with someone else it can be heartbreaking. A person's spouse is supposed to be their best friend. They are the ones that their spouses should be sharing these emotional talks with. A spouse can be made to feel completely left out in the cold when their spouse is sharing wonderful …show more content…

This may confuse some spouses when they believe that they have done nothing wrong because they did not cheat on their spouse. How emotional affairs can affect a marriage is by the spouse not owning what they have done.

Even though they may not have cheated with this person, they have shared so many intimate details with that person that cheating is the next step. This is because the same emotional bond that they shared with their spouse was the same emotional beginning that led up to the couple falling in love and then marrying. Now the spouse is sharing this same emotional connection with another person.

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