Diversity And Inequality

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Diversity and inequality are important to me, both personally and professionally. I grew up in a big and remarkably diverse family. I have God-sisters who are Hispanic, White, and Asian, gay and straight, and who speak various native languages. My grandparents are West Indian. My parents are from the States. My God-father was born in New Delhi, and I am the "gay uncle" of two mixed-race nephews. I started my undergraduate education in a diverse metropolitan city and finished it in a small, mostly white, rural town. I understand some of the successes brought about by diversity, and some of the challenges conferred by inequality.

Through my experiences, diversity and inequality arise from the need to oversimplify the conditions and outcomes brought about by human behavior. People, interacting with their physical environments in economic, political, and cultural ways, promoting social institutions and practices and complex ideas, usually not taking into account historical, often cultural and sexist forces at play. …show more content…

By and large, most lawyers will assert women and minorities represent 35 and 12% of the legal profession. Though, among judicial clerks, law school deans, partners in law firms, and general counsels of major corporations, diversity is relatively

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