Describe Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory Case Study

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1. You have taken a lead teacher position in a preschool program. A parent asks you to explain the program’s constructivist philosophy. a. Explain to her what it is, making sure to talk about it big picture, but also with focus on the teacher’s role as well as the child’s role? A constructivist philosophy is when the students experience their knowledge by making or building through learning. For example, the teacher may give a long lecture in the classroom, but some students will learn and some will recall a little of the information. While, if the students are making something, then they pretty much will get what they learn. Another example is, instead of the teacher telling, she must begin asking. However, Students should be exposed to data, …show more content…

Describe Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory and how it impacts teacher practice. The Ecological System Theory declare that human beings development is impacted by the different types of environmental systems. For example, it states that humans jump from one stage to the next. For instance, one stage at a time like taking the stairs. However, it is an ecological system, because at the beginning a person starts interacting with their families, peers, classroom, and religious setting. Then, with school, community, etc., and lastly, culture, society, etc. Furthermore, it can impact teacher practice because teachers are part of the microsystem. Which mean that teachers are a positive influence and a role model for children’s. Moreover, teachers are part of the mesosystem and parents as well. Meaning that teachers and parents communicate directly towards their child’s goals, such as, encouraging a child’s interest in reading, or even racing a low grade. The result would be that children’s will rely on their parents and teachers to pursue their goals and this will impact a teacher’s …show more content…

Write a brief description of your profile. My top three intelligences are language, self, and body movement. First of all, my top intelligent is language. I enjoy reading and writing. I love to write and read poetry. I enjoy saying, hearing, and seeing words. In other words, I enjoy everything that have to do with language. The second choice is self. I’m very good at being my own teacher. I love to work alone and spend time by myself. According to the assessment, I like to give time to myself to reflect on new ideas and information. Lastly, the third choice is body movement. I like everything that I have to do with movement (it is true!) I enjoy to move around. For example, run, walk, and

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