Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory Essay

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In Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory, there are five systems that ultimately influence an individual. The first system is the microsystem, which consists of the people who have direct contact to an individual. In my own life, my immediate family consists of my mother and I. I am an only child to my mother and since my mother and my father have been separated since I was a baby, he has not been part of my microsystem. In addition, I am also a student at CCP. I have a network of friends whom I keep in close contact with. The people that I encounter at home, school, and work have direct contact with me and thus, they are part of my microsystem. The second system in Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is the mesosystem. This is where there is an interaction between the different parts of a person’s microsystem because an individual’s microsystem does not operate independently. I am fortunate enough that for most of my life, the different elements in my mesosystem has never conflicted with each other. For example, my mother has a great relationship with my friends. The third system is an exosystem. In exosystem, the setting does …show more content…

For example, when my mother and my father were separated, this influence their behavior towards each other as well as my own behavior towards both parents. Despite the fact that I was still very young, I knew what was happening and this event certainly affected my life. There are also other factors that influence a person’s development. One theory has proposes that a person’s development is influence by the biological factors such as genetic and DNA. This theory is called the nature theory. For example, the genetic and DNA have shaped our own physical development. Th resemblance of family members are due to the fact that they share similar genes and DNA. My own face resembles both my mother and father, although it resembles more of my

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