Critical Race Theory

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This commercial begins with the narrator describing the 1,2,3 dollar meals at McDonalds’ and the narrator describes how you can used number 3 as my daughter got good grades meal staring all white meal chicken nuggets {scene shows a African-America man going up to the counter wearing a hooding and getting a tray with three happy meals on the tray}. While the narrator is speaking the white male serve says here you go and African-American man saying thanks. {Scene changes showing all three happy meals to chose from} and the commercial ends. The stereotypes used in this commercial was the attire of the African-American man wearing a hoodie urban looking street clothes and the commercial portrays the African-American male as bringing his daughter …show more content…

The theories or concepts I used thus follows; Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality and Marxist Theory. According to author William C Rhoden Critical Race Theory is analyzing power structures and institutions based on white privilege and white supremacy and further perpetuates marginalization of people of color. My reasoning for using this theory was due to half of the new stories use in the March 23, 2018 broadcast were comprised of NFL players and the NFL consists of 68% African-American players and 28% white players. Critical Race Theory was the best method to compare and contrast the language used to describe the players of different …show more content…

I theorized that this concept is employed as an attempt to attract the show’s target demographics is the much sought after 18-49 male viewer and due to the show averaging 103,000 viewers a week the show has advertisers Modelo beer and the UFC providing a commercial using gender stereotypes presenting males in masculine roles with the two males shown in the commercial were fighting in the cage, and a glass of beer. The second advertiser McDonald’s provided similar but more subtle stereotypes with only male consumers and servers with the exclusion of female consumers and servers. Skip and Shannon: Undisputed provides good insights of sports topics with interesting debates and different twists on the sport’s topics of the day, the one concept the show is lacking is more input from the female moderator otherwise it’s a good show to watch about sports

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