Cover Letter Employer

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Life is a hard thing to conquer, but there is a way.There are things that help us get jobs. Those things are cover letters, resumes. And there are nontraditional careers.There are also kinds of ways you need to act like in a working environment. First, one of the things that get us jobs is a cover letter.A cover letter is a letter to the boss to let you know you want the job. It helps to let the boss know what you want to do in the job, and let him know what you did before the job. My opinion on the cover letter is that it is helpful and it helps the boss to know what kind of person he/she is hiring.Also, it tells the boss what position the person wants and lets the boss know what kind of experience the person had before the job. Secondly, …show more content…

One way to act in a working environment is don’t act lazy. What i mean is that don’t wear a t-shirt, jeans and flip flops to work, you have to look professional. You have to at least look the part. You don’t have to wear a suit and tie, you just have to not look lazy because first impressions always count.Secondly, you can’t be mean to your coworkers and boss. What i mean is that if you’re mean to your coworkers and boss, you have a chance at getting fired. You also have the chance of no one liking you and that you won’t have any friends at your work.You also have to be responsible. You have to be where you’re supposed to be when you’re supposed to be there. That means that if you have to be somewhere at a specific point in time, you have to be there, not anywhere else.You also have to have respect. You have to listen carefully when someone suggests a different way of doing things. What that means if that if you’re stubborn and don’t listen to others, you may get the thing you’re doing wrong.Also, you have to have teamwork. You have to be the kind of person that other people trust, do tell other people secrets that are meant to be kept.Another thing if that you have to dress in a way that’s appropriate for you workplace. In other words, you can’t go to your workplace in only your underwear, you have to go to your workplace in at least clothes.You also have to pitch in when and where your help is needed. In other …show more content…

What nontraditional jobs is are they are jobs that are specific to one gender. One example of a nontraditional jobs are that an architect is a job specifically for women.Also, a nurse is specific to men.What my opinion is of nontraditional jobs is that i think that they are not good. What i mean is that not one job is specific for one gender, both genders can do any job even if it involves strength.Also, girls and boys can have the same job even if it’s meant for one gender, they can do the same equal job. Lastly, what i want to do for my future is i want to do youtube. What youtube is is that it’s a platform of where you can post video’s on the internet for other people to see and for other people to like and comment on your video’s. Why i want to do youtube is because i like to see what feedback i get on my video’s. Also, when i get a subscriber, which is someone who subscribes to you to watch your video’s, i feel like i am getting a sense of accomplishment. What my opinion is of youtube is that it’s a fun platform to be on and it gives you a good sensation. What i mean is that if you watch or are a big youtube with lots of subscribers, you feel a sense of accomplishment and feel good about yourself. You also feel like you’re changing

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