Cons and Pros of America Joining World War 1

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America joining World War 1 is a huge decision that can affect the lives of millions of people and our country as a whole. There are many things that could happen that we need to consider. Some pros to joining the war could be a better economy, more jobs, and stopping Germany. Some cons of joining the war could be losing money, losing lives, and possible losing the war. Deciding whether to enter the war or not is a difficult decision and the pros and cons must be considered to make a decision. One pro to entering the war is there would be more job opportunities available. With all the men leaving for war, jobs will open up. This could be an opportunity for unemployed people to get a job including some women. The United States getting involved in the war will also increase the need for supplies and weapons. Some things we will need will be guns, airplanes, and tanks. These will have to be made by United States’ people which will lead to new job opportunities. One con would be the causalities the United States could have. Many men will be wounded or killed in battle. Men also could d...

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