Persuasive Essay For English Class

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1302 Ready! I should receive a passing grade in this class because I can write now. Not just an exaggeration, but after another semester of English I finally feel confident that can write. Three of the reasons behind my confidence is I learned, I experienced and best of all I repeated. These three values helped prepare me for what is in store in English 1302 and here is why. First of all learning is the key to moving forward your education. If you allow yourself to learn, you will further your ideas and spark more creativity which produces unique and original work. Teachers crave original work because it reveals auntincity and credibility from the writer. One of the hardest parts of teaching is getting a student to learn a teacher’s specific …show more content…

Working along with others and completing all task given are forms of experience. Although teamwork in English class is not mandatory I feel that is beneficial to the students. The reason being because when you work with other you express different ideas and knowledge which not only helps yourself but the people around you like a circle. This enables work to be done more efficiently and correctly. On the same note some students may find it easier to communicate with peers their age then to have to awkwardly ask a teacher for help. On the other hand completing all of my homework and assignments in English class have made me more prepared. A student who completes all task given with correctness is better prepared to handle more vigorous task ahead them in an advanced college class. This is because an experienced student has taken the time to figure out solutions and problems and used their teachings to answer questions correctly. A student who disregards homework and class work puts themselves at risk for failure, because they are not prepared, they have gained any experience in the …show more content…

At first I was ashamed to admit it, but now I am grateful. While this last reason is personal and I do not recommend it. It was something I had to do as student and as a son. When I failed English 1301 last semester I was full of regret. All the late nights parting and skipping class got me nowhere. I refused listen to any of the lessons because I felt that I already knew the information and I did not take the time to do any homework or assignments. I lacked the experience and the learnings to prepare me for 1302 therefore I had to repeat the course. Moreover, being the first in my immediate family to go to college I had to take the course again as a son to prove to my mother and faher that failure is not an option. This semester I looked up to some of my other professors for advice and tips to help better me as a student. Some of these tips included taking helpful notes, going to bed earlier, and attending labs to review material went over in class. These little tips not only made me a more confident student but made me a overall better student. Therefore I am thrilled I had the chance to Repeat English 1301 because I knew now that I would not cheat myself of from my education. Doing my best to avoide all the mistakes I made last semsester I was able to fully larn all the material in Englis 1301 and now I feel ready to move forward to more advanced

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