Homefront Essay

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There is a possibility that America might not be able to pull together like the citizens did during World War Two. However, there is a possibility that the citizens might be able to pull together. The direction it would go depends on how the American citizens would react to having to go to war. The reaction of citizens is based on what the reason for fighting in the war is. If they think that the reason is worth it, then most of the American citizens will come together and help with the war cause. Although, it will be different then the efforts made during World War Two, the efforts made by the citizens today will still be just as efficient and productive. Citizens today would be able to help encourage and support the men that went to go fight in the war. They would be able to help the soldiers keep their spirits up and focus on making it home. Rather than people sending “Victory mail” only to their husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers, people would have the option of writing a letter to a soldier they did not know. These soldiers that would get the letters would be happy to...

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