Confederation Of Canada

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Guiding Questions - Strand A Did all Canadians have the same reaction to the creation of the Dominion of Canada and its expansion from coast to coast? No, many groups felt that the Confederation of Canada did not need to happen while other groups were very happy with the Confederation. Many small colonies wanted to merge as they grew. The CPR was being built and it was very expensive to build. These people were mostly Europeans who lived in the colonies that were going to be affected by this change. An exception to this would be the Maritimes who actually had campaigns against confederation. They felt that they were a part of Britain and could become their own separate lands, without the help of multiple other colonies helping them financially. This, of course, fell through when the campaigns finally ended in 1869 and the Maritimes joined the Country of Canada in 1867 and 1873. …show more content…

Many felt that the union of Canada was good and they felt that with a government they would be able to create more peace with the Canadians. When confederation did actually happen, they all signed the Indian Acts and the Numbered Treaties. Both of these contracts promised land and other rights, but the First Nations were only given a reserve and were never given any of these rights. They felt upset and did not actually receive an apology until 2008. I believe that the First Nations felt that while the government did give them land, much of what they gave them is not what they wanted and they truly did not have a voice. Other minority groups, such as the African Canadians and the Chinese, also felt that they would have gotten less discrimination and better rights if the formation of Canada did happen. Unlike the First Nations, they did get those rights. While no, they did not have the same reactions, the Dominion of Canada was essentially one of the most important times for

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