Australian Federation Research Paper

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January 1st, 1901, Six Commonwealth of Australia colonies formed in the six autonomous Australian colony of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and the Western Australian Commonwealth as constitutional principles Australia passed in Australia. It is still a coalition of six "primordial nations" under the Commonwealth Constitution.

The seventh most ancient federation in the United States of America (1789), Mexico (1824), Switzerland (1848), Canada (1867), German Empire (1871), and Brazil (1891).

After the Australian Federation, relatively few changes have been made in the form of a formal (written) constitution. However, practically, the functioning of the federal system has changed very much. The most important honor in which it has …show more content…

Of course, Australian federators also focused on Canada's federal disputes. Six British colonies then tried their independence from the Great Britney and benefited from the benefits of doing illegal business in the Federation, and a armed force, exchange and exchange rate, but they have strengthened their power to the central government.

The Australian Constitution provides a framework for Australian federation. Especially the following are:
-S.51, List of areas in which the Commonwealth Parliament scope of law enforcement or practice can be done, but it is as if the law enforcement authority in these areas deprives (such 'Society').
-S.71, established the High Court of India as a prominent body to rule over federal law;
-s.96, the Govt. of Parliament has been allowed to finance, contract or otherwise provide states. Recently, it has enabled the Commonwealth to be relevant and relevant, affiliated, strict and organized for active purposes payments and national partners and
-S.109, which said that in the case of legislation "contradictory", the Commonwealth law will

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