Explain How Successful Was Confederation At Unifying Canada

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How successful was Confederation At Unifying Canada Confederation was a huge change for Canada in 1867. It made a huge influence on the world we live in. Our country faced many ups and downs along the way, while trying to create the best life for its citizens. For this, the country would have come together and accept each other. Today I’ll be telling you about how I believe Confederation was not successful at unifying Canada. To start off, I’ll be writing about the life of people in British North America and its significance towards unifying Canada, as well as background knowledge of conflicts that existed. Life in British North America was changing at an alarming rate. New technology and services were being introduced such as railways and steamships. Industries such as building, producing and farming were being introduced. This was in part due to the many immigrants from Britain and France who’d settled. This was dreadful for the First Nations as their land had been taken away even more so than before. More resources were needed for the growing crowd so trade agreements were made. As more people came, the First Nations were even more distanced from the Europeans. Meanwhile, the French and the British wanted the other’s culture to be erased from the …show more content…

The First Nations, Metis and European women were subjected to oppression before and after confederation. This was a key reason to why I believe that Confederation was unsuccessful at unifying Canada. Besides this, I feel Confederation was not meant to unify our people in the first place. I think it was made to unify the government. There were many great things in each colony that were beneficial for the others to have. Confederation was beneficial for these issues, not the ones of equality and unity. I hope you enjoyed understanding my perspective whilst reading my

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