Comprenhensive School Counseling Program

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The comprehensive school counseling program is a program designed to provide all students with an equal opportunity to obtain their education. To be comprehensive, a school counseling program must be holistic, systemic, balanced, proactive, infused into the academic curriculum and reflective ( Dollarhide & Sagnik, 2012). Comprehensive school counseling programs are critical to students success. Each CSCP must be established based off of the schools mission. The CSCP must be well organized, comprehensive as well as systemically implemented. It is accountable through evaluations. The CSCP must also be reflective and infused into the academic curriculum. It is prevention and intervention focused. The focus of the CSCP is on the domains: academic development, social/personal development and career development. Academic development is the area of learning for the students. The career development is the area of learning to work- jobs to careers. The personal/social development is the area where the students learn to live and function daily. The curriculum of the CSCP increases student’s awareness, skill development and understanding of the skills needed to be successful in life. For a high school student, the curriculum would include problem solving skills, goal settings for transitioning after high school and testing. The components included in a CSCP include the curriculum, the individual student planning, responsive services and system support. Individual student planning helps the school counselor plan, monitor and manage each student’s academic, personal/social and career development. Through individual planning the school counselor is able to explore career options that coincide with the personal interest or skill... ... middle of paper ... ...performance standards- School counselors have a job to do within the schools. In the Dougherty County School system they have expectancies for implementing the CSCP. The school counselors performance standards serves a base line for evaluating their performance as well as for self evaluation. The school counselors must be sure that they are providing effective services to the students in the high school in all three domains throughout the year. The program audit- School counselors deliver the CSCP yearly and have many areas that need improvement. Program audits serve as a guide for future improvements within the CSCP to ensure successful outcomes for the students. The program audit documents in four areas: major strengths of the CSCP, areas in need of improvement, short range goals for improvement, long-range goals for improvement (Dollarhide & Sagnik, 2012).

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