Comparison Of Virtue And Other Ethical Theories

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In order to discuss what differs from virtue and other ethical theories, I feel I must first define what virtue is and the other ethical theories it is compared to. “Virtue Ethics (or Virtue Theory) is an approach to Ethics that emphasizes an individual's character as the key element of ethical thinking, rather than rules about the acts themselves (Deontology) or their consequences (Consequentialism)” (, 2015). To me virtue means that character, personality, and integrity matters most above all else. Rather than worrying about laws, rules or consequences; a person lives a virtuous life by doing what they believe is right. There are certain characteristics which are virtues. And in order to achieve the virtue theory, one must develop and demonstrate such characteristics like courage, compassion, wisdom, and self-control; as well as try to avoid wrong doings such as greed, jealousy, and selfishness. A virtue is a character trait a human being needs to flourish or live well. …show more content…

The other two ethical theories I am comparing to virtue are Utilitarianism and Deontological theories. According to, utilitarianism is “the ethical doctrine that virtue is based on utility, and that conduct should be directed toward promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons” (, 2015). And deontological theory,” regarding obligation as deriving from reason or as residing primarily in certain specific rules of conduct rather than in the maximization of some good” (,

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