Kant And Aristotle: The Virtue Of Life

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Section I
Question 1 Socrates describe his role in Athens being gadfly since according to him he is given to the Athens state by God. His work is to persuade, arouse, and reproach the Athenians. Since there is no other like him, he should be spared. In the light of Socrates, who claims “the unexamined life is not worth living” usually is because the greatest good of the man is their daily converse about virtue. That is why the Socrates keeps examining himself and others.
Question 2 The two types of virtues are the virtue of character and the virtue of thought. The virtue of thought usually arises and grows mostly from teaching and needs time and experience. The virtue of character results from habit, hence, its name Ethical which slightly …show more content…

Happiness acts as the center of understanding morality. The pain and the pleasures of life are the ones that determine happiness that an individual have. For Kant, happiness does not provide any moral motive to an individual. Kant believed more in the hypothetical imperative; thus he says that an action whether good or bad that contribute to the happiness of the individual is only good for some purposes (Kant 397). These are either the actions are actual or possible. Therefore, Kant and Aristotle have different takes in happiness, and they describe happiness in different ways as it comes from their theories. Both disagree on happiness’ moral importance since they tend to take happiness as just caused by individual moral actions. These are because happiness is determined by whether someone is feeling painful or has pleasure. Since moral is the virtue that a person holds and which give them their dignity, that is why disagreement on happiness in their theories comes in. My position on this matter is that I also disagree on happiness moral importance. The pleasure causes happiness that individuals face in their life. Hence, the individual morals are never determined by their happiness. I think that it usually is the other way round. The person moral is the one that determines the happiness of an individual. The virtue of the character or the virtue of the thought that one learns in the course of their lives is the one that determines happiness as well. Thus, happiness according to different individuals have different meanings. That is why it cannot be taken such as wealth or education that is similar to

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