Collaborative Practice In Health Care

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According to the World Health Organization, Collaborative practice in health care for instance nursing, occurs when numerous health workers from various professional backgrounds provide comprehensive services by working together with patients, their families, care-givers and communities to deliver the best quality of care across settings (CAN, 2011). The elements of collaborative practice include accountability, responsibility, communication, assertiveness, co-operation, co-ordination, mutual respect and trust. These interactions reveal a blend of professional cultures, which are achieved by sharing of knowledge and skills to improve the care of the patient (Bridges et al, 2011). The video I watched was on Collaboration-Interprofessional Competency. …show more content…

For this reason, it is imperative that individuals improve communication among these stakeholders. In the course of 4days in a hospital, a patient can come into contact with about 50 different employees including nurses, technicians and physicians. As a result, for effective clinical practice, critical information MUST be passed on with complete accuracy. According to Rosenstein & O’Daniel 2008, some of the obstacles to Interprofessional Collaboration and Communication include Gender, hierarchy, differences in languages and jargon, the diverse levels of preparation, qualifications and status, the complexity of the care, the historical Interprofessional and Interprofessional contentions, differences in professional routines and agenda, the emphasis on quick decision-making, the fear of diluting one’s professional identity among others. Additionally, those who have the most barriers tend to be physicians and nurses. Despite their numerous interactions in one day, they have differing perceptions about their responsibilities and roles concerning the requirements the patient may have so they end up having different goals for the patient. Due to the ethnic diversity …show more content…

One of them is the Crew Resource Management (CRM) present in the Aviation field that experts have come up. It is safety training that focuses team management that is very effective. The CRM programs essentially educate the crew members on how human competency may be limited. The operational perceptions emphasized include examination, promotion, seeking information related to operations, communicating projected exploits, decision-making and conflict resolution. The improvements on the safety records, which were observed after the implementation of this new safety training on commercial aviation, were tremendous compared to the previous record where 70 percent of the commercial flight accidents were as a result poor communication among crew members. Secondly, there is the Kaiser Permanente, SABR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) Tool 2002 which reveals that indeed doctors and nurses more often than not have different communication styles partly owing to their training. Physicians are taught to be concise while nurses to be able to vividly describe medical conditions. SABR was created by a physician co-coordinator of the informatics at the Kaiser Permanente, Michael Leonard together with his colleagues and it has been used vastly in the healthcare systems, one of them being the Kaiser Permanente. It provides a framework of communication between medical

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