Children Should Be Held Legally Responsible For Bullying

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In many states there are laws that require the parents to be responsible for the actions of their child until the child reaches a “age of majority,” which essentially is the age when a person can be considered an adult and make decisions for themselves. This is very important to consider when discussing if younger students should be held legally responsible for bullying. If other aspects of the law deem that children can not be held legally liable for actions they commit is because they are not yet mentally capable. Why should we then shift the sole blame onto the child instead of the guardians and or school in this situation? If bullying advanced to a more serious crime then they should be held legally responsible because then it is not only a matter of bullying but in fact legal crimes in example; …show more content…

Instead of punishing bullies we should help educate them more about others and themselves because a lot of bullies might have problems at home or trauma that they have gone through. The current education system disproportionately gives more serious punishments to students of color. Most of us are also aware that the criminal justice system also disproportionately incarnates people of color at a higher ratio than whites particularly in nonviolent crimes. By charging young students with a petty crime such a bullying we are potentially limiting their future and getting them into the school to prison pipeline. We all learn from our parents and surroundings therefore we need to hold everyone who is part of that child's negative behaviour responsible from happening (the teachers, administration, the guardians etc.). There are two sayings I would like to end with if you can bare with me: “it takes a community to raise a child” and “there are no bad kids just bad

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