Child Abuse Vs Physical Punishment

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Physical abuse is deliberately hurting a Child by causing injuries such as, ranging from minor wounds to extreme breaks. Therefore, of punching, beating, kicking, gnawing, shaking, tossing, cutting, stifling, hitting with a hand, and other objects. Consuming or generally hurting a child’s that is inflicted by a parent, or guardian. The symptoms of physical abuse are unexplained consumes, bites, wounds, broken bones, and bruised eyes. Some children also may seem scared of the guardians or cries when it’s time to go home. Many children might have nightmares or trouble sleeping. Children who are being physically abused may act withdrawn, fearful, depressed, have low self-esteem, or engage in self-harm, like cutting. Children who are physically …show more content…

Numerous physically abusive guardians and parental figures demand that their actions are basically types of approaches to make a child learn how to behave. In any case, there is a major contrast between utilizing physical punishment to discipline and physical abuse. The purpose of disciplining a child is to show them the right from wrong, not to make them live in fear. When a child is being physical abuse can make a child live in fear. Some of the unlike physical forms of discipline are making children live in fear. The unpredictability is when the child never realizes what will set off the parent. Children are continually strolling on eggshells; never sure what behavior will trigger a physical assault. “Parents who are physically abusive may believe that their children need to fear them in order to behave, so they use physical abuse to “keep their child in line.” However, what children are really learning is how to avoid being hit, not how to behave or grow as individuals” …show more content…

Anxiety are among the most common mental health conditions. That's partly because everyone experiences stress and worry. Anxiety is essential comorbid mental health issue that influences a large number of individuals everywhere throughout the world. Children who suffer from an anxiety disorder experience fear, nervousness, and shyness, and they start to avoid places and activities. Medical science had suspected that childhood abuse plays a story role in the development of mental health disorder. Anxiety may appear in a child’s early years or even later in life as the child grows. Childhood abuse can certainly cause anxiety disorder. People who struggle with anxiety disorder later in their life are most likely the ones who experience traumatic events such as, physical abuse, child neglect, and sexual abuse in their early years. (“Can Childhood Abuse Cause Anxiety Disorder? ,” Web) Children who struggle with anxiety in their early years may not even know what's causing the emotions, worries, and sensations they have. Although all children’s experience anxiety in certain situations, most even those who live through traumatic events develop anxiety disorders. Those who don’t, however, will seem anxious and have one or more. Children with anxiety in their early years may experience excessive worry during the day, trouble sleeping at night, sleepiness during

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