Child Abuse And Neglect

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Child abuse is a serious national problem which has been occurring for many years. There are many cases that are described throughout the history of child abuse. For example in the book, Child Abuse, the author talks about a case that happened in the 1980s. The author’s words describing this serious problem are “preschool children accused daycare workers at the McMartin Preschool in California of a number of sexually abusive and bizarre acts” (Kim 10). This is one of many cases that caused fear in society during this time. The reason why is because many people are blind to reality and tend to ignore the issues that their community is facing. Sometimes, their ignorance causes them to commit a crime either intentionally or unintentionally. They …show more content…

Based on the article “Child Abuse and Neglect” written by Melinda Smith and Jeanne Segal, physical abuse can result from “severe discipline, such as using a belt on a child.” Neglect abuse is defined as a “pattern of failing to provide for a child's basic needs” such as “food, clothing, hygiene, supervision,” and shelter. In this case, parents or caretakers are failing to provide the basic needs to their children which is essential to the development of a child. Henny Kim defines sexual abuse as any kind of “sexual activity” (14) where the child is being forced to participate in these acts. Kim also talks about emotional abuse which includes “parent’s.. words or actions that harm a child emotionally, mentally, or socially” (14). This type of abuse has a severe psychological outcome on minors because they grow up with that mentality and it causes them to have trouble being successful in the …show more content…

For instance, a child might feel “a lack of trust” and might not be able to have a good relationship with their parents. Every child should live in a healthy and instructive environment so the child can learn “to trust people or know who is trustworthy,” after going through a traumatic situation. Another effect might include “core feelings of the child being worthless or damaged.” Some children are often told that they are not intelligent and useless and this causes the child to have a low self-esteem and they start believing those harsh words. The third effect that abuse might have on a child is that they could end up having “trouble regulating emotions.” Children who are abused have trouble being open about their feelings and thoughts; they do not feel safe and comfortable around people. Overall, all types of child abuse leave “lasting scars” meaning that it is difficult for children to overcome the shocking and painful memories and might not be able to begin a new

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