Captain Underpants Character Analysis

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What if you saw a half naked man fighting off a bunch of evil talking toilets? What would you do? You probably would call the police wouldn't you. This shows that you need to start reading more speculative fiction! Captain underpants is a great speculative novel which shows loads of imagination, teaches your important life lessons and ties into entertainment films. Firstly speculative fiction is valuable to society because it creates imagination. Imagination is a key thing in life because living without an imagination is like following a set of rules. You do what it says not thinking otherwise. Captain underpants shows a great amount of imagination going as far as kind old lunch lady's turning into mutant creatures, or normal ordinary toilets …show more content…

Life lessons is the key for a person to go through life successful and safe. Without life lessons no one would learn form there mistakes or be taught new things or what nit to do so they will keep doing the same thing over and over. Captain underpants shows one main important life lesson, that anything is possible and clearly nothing is impossible. At any moment the very floor underneath you could sink in and create a massive sink hole, and you and everyone in the room fall into the hole all dieing horrifically! Thirdly speculative fiction is not only shown in books, speculative fiction is shown everywhere. One of the main other things speculative fiction is shown in is shows and movies. Shows and movies is one of the most popular ways to get that persons life lesson or even just to show his or her imagination. Captain underpants has a number of cartoons relating to different wacky but wonderful speculative fiction ideas. These three important points show that speculative fiction is very important to our society because without it the world would be made up of a bunch of dumb mindless idiots doing nothing and creating nothing. This is why speculative fiction is one of the most important things to our

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