Fault In Our Stars Banned

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Stephen King states, “Every book you pick up has its own lesson or lessons, and quite often the bad books have more to teach than the good ones.” Every book has some type of lesson to teach you, whether it be a life lesson or not. The Fault in Our Stars is a great example of this. Many people who have read The Fault in Our Stars claim it is an outstanding book with many great lessons. Not everyone agrees though. Some believe that The Fault in Our Stars should be banned from school libraries. These people claim that the book is inappropriate for children. However, the decision to ban this book from libraries is outrageous. The Fault in Our Stars has many important lessons that outweigh any issues that the book may contain. Although this may be true, the opposition will say The Fault in Our …show more content…

Many children believe they have to keep their feelings bundled up inside but this is not true. The Fault in Our Stars helps children realize than everyone has issues and it is important to deal with those issues rather than trying to hide them. In the book, Augustus Waters says, “That’s the thing about pain… it demands to be felt” (Green 110). Pain is not something that can be pushed away. It must be dealt with. In The Fault in Our Stars, Hazel Grace goes to a support group and meets others who are like her. Before the support group, Hazel Grace’s feelings were screaming to be let out, but she held them all in. She felt like a cat in a room full of dogs. She thought she was alone in the world. Realizing she is not the only person with an illness, she begins to feel better. This helps her to deal with her illness and open up about it. Once she lets everything out, she feels like a better person and is happier. This is an important lessons for children to learn because otherwise they may feel like they need to keep everything to

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