Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

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Literature is used throughout the world and many consider it as a language itself. It is used to express emotions and the human's imaginations through creative writing. Literature is written work that is superior and has artistic merits. Schools and officials are stating that literature has no real values that will help students in the real world. They are wanting to restructure schools to better fit what is now needed in our society, but many argue that literature has merits that far exceeds the real world problems. In our history, literature not only gave humans an outlet to record their thoughts through creative writing, but it also allowed us to explore the deepest parts of our mind and have an eloquent way to record it, and allowing access for others to experience. Without Literature, our world would be blunt and would be lacking in color. …show more content…

I would always draw something that would symbolize what I was feeling or something that was just in my mind. Everyone needs a creative outlet and literature is an outlet that is used by many. Taking it out in schools would not only take away student’s creative outlet, but it would also take away their form of expressing themselves. Literature teaches us how to voice our opinion in the most fluent way possible. Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 was a novel expressing Bradbury's concerns about the use of technology in the future and how taking away books and poems in our society would have a highly negative impact our

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