Camping Hammock Advantages And Disadvantages

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Although you don’t have to pay for flights, a hotel room, or a tour guide, camping can get surprisingly expensive, especially if you’re determined to use the supposedly innovative technology that certain brands in the camping industry have been churning out over the past couple of years. The truth is, most of the latest camping technology is totally useless. The only thing you need for a successful camping trip is somewhere warm to sleep and it doesn’t even have to be a tent. If you’re planning a camping trip on a budget, you should seriously consider forgoing the traditional tent in favor of a camping hammock. Much like a regular hammock, a camping hammock is designed to hang between two trees while you lie inside it. However, camping hammocks If you’re camping with a friend - and you almost certainly are - you’re going to have to go with a double hammock as a single hammock just won’t be able to hold two adults at the same time (seriously, don’t risk it). The good news is that even a double camping hammock can come in at much less than the average tent without sacrificing anything in the way of warmth and security. Take the COVACURE Double Camping Hammock, for Among the many features that make this camping hammock stand out from the camping hammocks of competing manufacturers are: Mosquito Net The COVACURE Double Camping Hammock comes fitted with a mosquito net, so you won’t have to worry about falling victim to those pesky little disease carriers. This is a feature that most other camping hammocks do not offer, so if you’re planning a visit to somewhere known for its mosquito population, COVACURE is really the only brand you should be considering. Triple-Stitching This double camping hammock is composed of triple-stitched 210T nylon fabric that is both breathable and wind-resistant. With its sturdy design, it is almost impervious to tears and rips and can hold a maximum weight of 440 pounds, which you probably won’t even come close to. Easy-to-Clean Finish Camping is a pretty messy experience and it's a safe bet that your bed will end up covered in muck, even if it's hanging from a tree. The folks on the COVACURE design team made sure to leave this camping hammock with an easy-to-clean finish so that any dirt or grime that accumulates on its exterior during your trip can be handily removed with a damp cloth when you get home. Pros and

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