Behavior Modification In Children Essay

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Behavior Modification in Children

Children are basically honest with displaying negative behaviors. There is no discrimination where they are displayed whether at home, in the community, or around other people. In many cases, it takes a ‘village’ of parents, advocates, teachers, and, if applicable, clinical professionals to address unwarranted behaviors. Determining how these behaviors are approached depends on the appropriate method to best address a child’s needs. This paper demonstrates three alternative methods of modifying unacceptable behavior, how they are used, the most effective and effectiveness of the methods.
Modifying Behavior in Children Behavior modification is a tool that encourages change in behavior patterns through a selection of methods which eradicate or adjust unwarranted behaviors. In a classroom environment, behavior modification techniques typically involve teachers’ methods to change antecedents and consequences of targeted behaviors. At home, behavior modification techniques are also effective to address long-term behaviors such as, keeping their room clean, clearing the table or doing homework. As a result, the selected method to address unacceptable behavior not only presents different challenges but contrasting outcomes. Developing these methods as parenting techniques, begins with knowing your components: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment (positive and …show more content…

Positive reinforcements offer a reward to encourage a child to keep repeating that acceptable behavior. As a result, the behavior is more likely to occur again. Examples of positive reinforcements include: praise, special attention, money, or no homework. In the classroom, teachers maintain control of its use; otherwise, it loses its effectiveness for positive

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