Bacopa Caroline Case Study

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Bacopa Caroline is a very unpretentious, long-stemged perennial plant with bright and juicy leaves. Ideal for a beginner aquarist also thanks to the fact that it grows well both in fresh and salt water, and also multiplies well in captivity.


1 Description
2 Features of the content
3 How to grow
4 Care
Bacopa Carolina grows on the Atlantic coast of America. Has oval greenish-yellow castings, the size of which reaches 2.5 cm, which are located in pairs on a long stem. In bright, constant light, the top of the bacon can acquire a pinkish hue. Very unpretentious, providing it with enough light and good soil, you can achieve rapid growth. If you grind in the fingers of a bacon leaf, the citrus-mint smell will be clearly felt. …show more content…

But if you remember that in a natural environment the plant prefers marshy soil, then the ideal place will be a moist greenhouse or a water garden. In this case, the temperature should be kept within 22-28 degrees. If it is colder, the growth of the bakop will slow down and the decay process will begin. The ideal for the plant is mild weakly acid water. High stiffness leads to different deformations of the leaves, so dH should be in the range of 6 to 8.

The plant has one more advantage - it is not affected by the organic matter accumulating in the aquarium. Stems do not overgrow and mineral substances do not settle on them.

Bacopa is large or Caroline

The optimal soil is sand or fine pebbles laid out by a layer of 3-4 cm. This is due to the fact that the root system of the bacon is poorly developed, and the necessary nutrients are mainly obtained with the help of leaves. Be sure to make sure that the selected soil is slightly silted. Another plus of the plant - it does not need top dressing, all the necessary substances it receives from water and what remains after feeding the …show more content…

It grows well in the corners of the aquarium, quickly occupying them. Planted both in the soil and in the pot, which then will be easier to move. If you want the bakop to spread along the bottom, then the stems need just to be pressed down with something, without damaging it. They quickly take root and turn into a green carpet. An interesting combination of colors can be obtained by planting different species of this plant.

How to grow
Bacopa Caroline in captivity reproduces in a vegetative way, that is, cuttings. First you need to cut several shoots 12-14 cm long from the top. Then the stems are immediately planted in the aquarium. In advance, wait until the roots grow, do not. The plant itself will take root very quickly.

It is recommended to grow a bakop in an aquarium up to 30 cm high or other low reservoirs. Rostock, in contrast to the adult, must be provided with nutrient soil. Then the process will go much faster. Under good conditions, the bush will quickly grow. The blossom begins only under bright light and a water temperature of 30 degrees.


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