Aquascape Essay

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Aquascaping is a great form of art that focuses on making underwater landscapes in an aquarium. It sounds a little difficult but after getting used to it, you will be able to make stunning underwater landscapes that could catch the attentions of any person’s eyes. You just have to focus on little details and the basics to advance in aquascaping. The following tips should be helpful for you in aquascaping an aquarium:
The Basic Factors:
The light on aquarium:
Lighting of the aquarium is very important for various reasons. The most prominent reason is the growth of plants and health of fish. There are many types of light sources available in the market. Sun acts as the source of light in nature and imitating that in an aquarium demands good and bright sources …show more content…

Once you have done that you can start making your aquascape. The most important thing for making a beautiful aquascape is your own imagination. You can build one and destroy it as many times as you want. Until you get the desired results, you can keep repeating the process. These following tips should help you in making better choices regarding the art of aquascape:
Do not have symmetry:
You can try to make your aquascape symmetric but the most beautiful aquascape do not follow any symmetry. That is so because aquascaping is mimicking the nature and nature does not have symmetry. Therefore, you should try to avoid symmetry at all costs. You should try to have the focal point of your aquarium on 1: 1.62. That ratio makes the tank look as if it is identical on both sides.
Avoid Frustration:
You should never get frustrated with your aquascape. If you think that the tanks you see on the internet have done something special then you are wrong. They just make sure that they highlight every part of the aquascape in a unique way. You too have that ability and with a little practice, you can do better.

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