Attention Deficit Disorder

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Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder is a problem in which many American children and even

some adults suffer from. This problem can affect schoolwork, discipline, and even a job.

Attention Deficit Disorder is a problem in which many people are not truly aware about,

and the signs can be quite obvious.

Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD) is a problem that effects many children and even

some adults. It allows them to be easily distracted and have a very short attention span.

For example, ADD children would have trouble with group learning, or a classroom

environment. There are so many distractions and it is hard for the child to concentrate on

just one thing. They would benefit more from a one to one learning environment. ADD

patients also have a lot of trouble sleeping, and play much more aggressive than normal

children. The reason for this is due to the disorder, they have much more energy built up

than normal children. They need some way of releasing this energy, which causes the

sleep problems and the aggressive behavior. Other characteristics which exemplify the

disorder are impulsiveness, problems with authority and rules, disorganization. Although

there are many more characteristics, these are a few that allow a brief description of the


There are three different types of ADD. The first one is when the child displays

signs of ADD along with signs of hyperactivity. This is where the child has ADD and a

hyperactivity disorder in which he has little respect for anything, including authority. The

next is regular ADD, which is the ADD without the hyperactivity and the same short

attention span. These children may be the exact opposite of the ones with hyperactivity. ...

... middle of paper ... my paper. I learned many more signs and symptoms of the

disease, along with the different behaviors of children at different ages. This information

was new and reveling to me. I enjoyed reasearching and finding out new information foe

this paper.

Attention deficit disorder is a problem which will affect the lives of everyone, not just the

child. ADD is a problem that can go undetected for numerous years, while the child goes

through different stages in life and gives many warning signs. If the parents can spot the

signs of ADD, get the child treated, it can help both the child’s and the parents life. There

are many ways for the child to be treated, but it is important to get the child treated. ADD

can ruin years of the parents and their own life, but the symptoms and the signs can be

treated, and hope and order can be restored in the family life.

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