Assignment 1: A Case Study Answers

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1. The 130-cycle length at ramp intersection 5 (SR-210 Eastbound Ramps/San Bernardino Avenue) is too long. It should be in the 60s to 120s range.
2. Add intersection 6 (SR-210 Westbound Ramps/San Bernardino Avenue) in Table 5-5- Intersection Analysis for the Existing Plus Project (E+P) Conditions with Improvements.
3. Add intersection 6 (SR-210 Westbound Ramps/San Bernardino Avenue) worksheets in Appendix 5.6-E+P Conditions Intersection Operations Analysis Worksheets with Improvements. The LOS for each phase should operate at an acceptable LOS D or better. Example: The intersection 5 (SR-210 Eastbound Ramps/San Bernardino Avenue) for the E+P PM peak hour with improvements, delay at left eastbound off ramp onto San Bernardino Avenue is 81.3 seconds (LOS F). Verify all phases including the Existing plus Ambient Growth plus Project (EAP) (2017), opening year cumulative (2017), and horizon year (2040).
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Provide the queues for all movements in Tables 3-2, 5-2, 6-2, 7-2, 8-2, and 8-6.
5. Add intersection 8 (Tennessee Street/Dwy. 3 / San Bernardino Avenue) in the Tables 5-2, 6-2, 7-2, 8-2, and 8-6.
6. The intersection 6 (SR-210 Westbound Ramps/San Bernardino Avenue) in Table 6-2, southbound left onto San Bernardino Ave, a queue length of 164 for PM peak and 191 for Sat peak hours exceeds a left turn pocket of 100 ft. Verify all movements including intersections 5, 6, and 8.
7. Clarify the lane configurations on E+P improvements, EAP (2017), and opening year (2017). There are discrepancy involving lane configurations among

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