Art Obstacles

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Art merely reflects culture, it follows the different obstacles culture goes through, it does not guide it, art circulates around the different thoughts, ideas, and the new challenges that people go through during the different centuries. Art follows the cultures rather than guides it. When people begin to think of new ideas and inventions the art culture usually follows these new thoughts, altering their art. Art changes with the different centuries and during the different centuries ideas have grown, the different forms of art follows the growing ideas. With each new century different obstacles show up and many artists through their works show the different obstacles the people are faced with. Many different art movements had taken place in different times and that is why there are different types of painting genres such as realism, mannerism, baroque and the renaissance. Art follows the course of the new ways of the human ways; it does not guide art because the art movements tend to occur after people come up with the new ways of thinking. …show more content…

Famous philosophers would come up with these new ideas and the art would fall into place after they came up with the new ideas of life. The art of a place is followed by what has recently happened. For instance, when the artist Raphael began to paint for the Renaissance movement he captured the visual of the Neo-Platonism idea of human grandeur. The thoughts about man during the different times were shown through the art. The Renaissance was the transition from the Medieval Ages to the modern ages and it showed through the art. The new ideas of man were shown through the way the artists painted, sculpted and drew

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