Argumentative Essay: Should Children Join The Military?

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Countries like Israel, North Korea, and Norway all enforce mandatory military service. It's bad enough that it is mandatory, but when countries force children to join their military, i think it's despicable. I don't like war at anytime. I feel as if it is just useless fighting, which ends up with us and the other country losing great people for no reason. The only time i feel as if war is acceptable is for defence, but that still means on side has to attack. Sending children to war is a stupid idea from the start. You are taking away their lives. Even if they were to survive fighting, thats potential years coming out of their lives. I can see no good argument as to why we should enact something like this, or at least an argument that would convince me otherwise. …show more content…

Someone strong in art like myself would be of no use in the military compared to someone who wanted to join the police force or was skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Not everyone is fit for that kind of lifestyle either, people with anxiety and other issues would struggle in an intense environment such this. There are plenty of bright kids in america who can't wait to join the military and use their specific skills in the work force, but the simple fact is, that it isn't for everyone. Some people are better suited for civilian life anyways.
In conclusion, no, i do not think something like this should be mandatory, even in countries other than our own. Discipline is important to youths, but not everyone one needs it. I feel like it should be an option instead, so people who feel as if they have the correct strengths can enter whenever they’re deemed old enough enough to make a decision like that. Parents and children should be able to make the decision together of whether or not they should join the fight, and because we’re in america i feel like you should always have a choice. We don't force things on our citizens or their children,

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