Argumentative Essay On Transgender Soldiers

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What makes a solider? Courage, bravery, or the will to fight for the people who can’t fight for themselves? No. Now of days it seems to be depending on what sex they want to be. When I was little I didn’t see just a man as a solider I seen women being equal to them in every way. I didn’t think anything of the Trans committee in the army, because I saw them as who they are meant to be. A solider. You may agree with the ban of Transgenders in the U.S army, but here are some facts that may change your mind. Transgenders soldiers who have served and are serving in the military, money cost, and my thoughts on the issue. Did you know there are 1.3 million transgender servicemembers overall? 1.3 million transgenders soldiers who have fought and are still fighting for our rights. Fighting for our safety along with millions of other soldiers that we choose to call different from them? In this world, we choice what is right or what is wrong. Saying we’re not meant to change ourselves, because that’s the way we all was born. That if you change yourself to feel comfortable in your own …show more content…

I do not agree with the U.S ban on transgender soldiers who are currently fight or are going to be fighting for us. The ban will not help anyone of us, and it will not make the cost of our taxes go down. Donald J. Trump wants to save money for our military. I understand that, but if we’re losing more money than what the military spends on Transgender soldiers it’s not making a difference. These soldiers are not mentally ill or a burden. They just want to change who they are because they don’t feel comfortable with the skin they ware. One of my friends I had while I was still going to public school told me the reasons why she would want to transition, and it’s the same answer that I keep repeating. That when humans don’t feel comfortable with the way they are they change it, there’s nothing mentally ill about any of

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