Argumentative Essay On School Shootings

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In South Carolina, a two year old managed to get a hold of a gun and accidentally shoot their grandmother ( Ingraham ). Stories like these makes it clear that not everyone can be responsible enough to become gun owners. These days, there isn’t much that’s required from a person to purchase a weapon. So it should not be a surprise for us when a deadly weapon gets into the a wrong hands. Because of this, the United States is notorious for their massacres with the murderer legally purchasing their weapons. So in conclusion, the second amendment should be tightened because it’ll prevent accidental shootings, school shootings, and massacres. In America, children are sixteen times more likely to be involved in an unintentional shooting than any other country (“A Year of Unintentional Child Gun Deaths”). Guns are left carelessly around their home by the …show more content…

Seung Hui Cho killed twenty-seven students and five faculty members, and injured seventeen (“Massacre at Virginia Tech Leaves 32 Dead”). After that, Virginia passed a law that prevented people from buying more than one handgun a month (Stolberg). There are multiple yet small changes for the second amendment, but it will not necessarily affect everyone nor will it fix the universal problem that the U.S. have. There is also the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in December 14, 2012 that killed twenty students (aged 6 to 7) and six adults with two pistols and an automatic rifle (“Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting...”). I don’t think the twenty year old murderer need that many gun, but he is still able to gather enough of those weapons because the second amendment will not prohibit that kind of behavior. Guns should not be even owned by people who has mental health issues because their illness can provoke actions like these and it was documented that the Murderer, Adam Lanza, had some troubles with his mentality when he was younger (Katersky et

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