Argumentative Essay On Mexican Immigration

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America is a country that unifies a diverse population of people, without diversity, there would be no America. America has built up, and only functions when the economy is stable. Money is eagerly sought after by citizens because if citizens are not able to obtain any money, they have no way to build a life for themselves. Mexico has become a country where it is very hard for citizens to obtain enough money to live off, and build a successful life for oneself and their own family. Immigrants who come to America, have two desires: to be able to work, and to build a better life for themselves. Immigrants usually have an immense expectation that America is the promised land for them, the country that will only bring them success and prosperity. …show more content…

They are human beings who have suffered in their own country and come to America to prosper. Starting off by sending letters to the government, protesting in places that matter, and helping those in one’s community. Allowing any immigrant to America does create lots of problems, but those problems can be resolved if America is willing to put forth the effort to resolve it. For example, America’s administration can make the citizenship process more fair and cheaper because the exam they have to take is testing them on information that some U.S citizens don’t even have an idea of or are not even able to spend the amount of money that an immigrant has to pay. Theoretically speaking, if an immigrant comes to America to obtain capital, how is one expected to pay $725 right away? A solution that may benefit both sides, is to create a new system for those who want to become citizens, a shorter and cheaper model. The process to become a citizen is incredibly long. America can maybe explore the idea of fundraising money that can be used towards immigrants citizenship process or can look over the exam again, and try to make it simpler so immigrants can still learn the U.S’ history but still be able to have a fair chance to

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