La Jaula De Oro Sparknotes

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The movie La Jaula de Oro, is a life story of a journey of three kids from Guatemala to the United States. In the movie there are three kids Sara, Samuel, and Juan, they first embark on the journey through Mexico. When they first arrive to Chiapas, the kids put on a play to collect money for food, after the play Sara befriends this boy named Chauk. Who is an indigenous boy from Tzotzil, and also plans to get to America, and convinces them to come join the group. This group of kids is put through a lot during the film, it’s a very interesting journey for 4 kids to experience. This film shows the struggles and difficulties immigrants succumb and sheds some light into the harsh realities of what people don’t think about when they hear the word …show more content…

One of the main challenges people face is the language barrier, then come to the US not knowing any English hoping that some relatives or friends with help them. Not only is language barrier hard enough but there is also the difference between men and women that migrate, overall this general sexism that occurs and what goes behind closed doors when women are trapped into these circumstances. The one big factor that comes into play is the separation between families, many families are separated for years, before they can finally reunite. Mainly it is men who leave their families and find work elsewhere, with some men being gone for almost the entire year they like to send remittances back home to their families. In the book “Transborder Lives” by Lynn Stephen she talks to many Oaxaca families and their experiences with living transborder lives and how the women are now the ones in charge of the farms and children. Migrating to the United States can be hard because you experience this culture shock and hardships of trying to survive, some people are lucky enough to now people in America but other don’t know anyone and have to overcome more obstacles to …show more content…

With the difficulties and the dangers of migrating are big, people are willing to risk their lives in order to reach the American Dream. People dream of making it to the US and having a big luxurious life when in reality all the jobs they can get is working in the fields and or factories. They discrimination they are going to face because how they look and speak, the idea that they may never make it to the top unless they go back to school and get a degree. The harsh realities with being an immigrant in the United States is big, always having to worry about ICE, or losing a job, this constant fear of being deported. In every society there is hegemonic society that prevails over everyone else and controls everything and everyone. In a country that strives to for every person to be equal is a myth, we live in a world were only the rich will prosper and the poor will get

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