Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigrants

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A Latino man, father of three young U.S. born kids, comes home after a twelve hour day in the fields. As he sits down at the dinner table, he hears a knock at the door. Four large men force their way into the home carrying high caliber assault rifles. The armed federal agents arrest the two parents and Social Services comes in to take the kids. More and more, we are seeing similar situations. Families are being broken up after the government ships the parents of children back to their home country while the children are left here. The United States government should not deport illegal immigrants because it breaks up families and will ultimately have a negative effect on the economy. While it is true that illegal immigrants are taking jobs from Americans, illegal aliens only have taken a small portion of our jobs and they are generally jobs that Americans don’t want to do. According to Maria Santana, a news reporter for CNN, deportation of all undocumented citizen would actually cause America’s economy to lose jobs. Maria also states that if the Allan 2 …show more content…

Americans expect fare wages and good working conditions, whereas, illegal workers are willing to work for less money and in harsh conditions. Elizabeth Dwoskin, a reporter for NBC News, describes a typical day for an agrarian worker as being long and harsh. She states that the workers will begin at seven in the morning and work until six at night while only taking an average of sixty dollars home to their family. That means that the workers are making less than six dollars an hour which is thirty three percent less than the national minimum wage. Even as a seventeen year old kid, I wouldn’t do such a labor intensive job for only sixty dollars. As you can clearly see, legal residents are not willing to work long and back breaking hours to receive peanuts for

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