Illegal Immigrants: Close the Borders

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Illegal immigration has been a problem that has plagued the United States for many years. This problem is not new to the country because thousands of immigrants have crossed over the oceans and Mexican border since our country was founded. The underlying problem is the lack of assimilation to the American ways of life and the acceptance of existing rules and laws. With the already fragile economy and the largely growing unemployment rate Americans must make every effort to close its borders to undocumented workers to ease the strain and retain any available jobs for unemployed Americans and legal workers. Aviva Chomsky writes “immigration plays a much more complex role in the employment picture, and many different factors affecting employment and unemployment.”(4). Chomsky so on to say, “it indeed seems to be the case that immigrants and low-skilled citizens are competing for the same jobs”(11). Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants enter the country and start working either under illegal names or take agricultural jobs in which they are paid under the table. Chomsky solidifies this fact when she say “some immigrants work in the informal economy, and are paid under the table in-cash, so they don’t have federal and state income taxes, or social security taxes, deducted from their paychecks”(36).Which a lot of employers are catching on to because on doing this they don’t have to pay taxes and can turn more of a profit This also hurts the country’s economy because no one is paying their taxes and so there is no money flowing to pull the country out of the current recession. This burden indefinitely falls on the shoulders of the rest of the legal citizens of America who are inevitable paying the way for this one sided labor for...

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...seech any person wanting to come to America to find a new home, work or better life, however I do have a problem with doing it at the expense of all of the hard working honest taxes paying citizens that have made this country a place for other to desire to come to. I would not go to any country in the world and attempt to steal from its countrymen all I ask is the same from others.

Works Cited

Anzovin, Steven. The Problem of Immigration. New York: Wilson, 1975. Print. (49)

Chomsky, Aviva. “They Take Our Jobs”. Boston: Wilsted, 2007. Print. (4,11,36)

Lee, Kathleen. Illegal Immigrants. San Diego: Lucent, 1996. Print. (40,41,39,51)

USCIS. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.” Imigration Reform and Control Act of 1986(IRCA).” Web. 4 June, 2011 <>.

West, Darrell M. “Brain Gain”. Harrisonburg: Donnelly, 2010. Print. (10-11)

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