Argumentative Essay On Campus Sports

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On American campuses, there is an intensely disproportional amount of income funneled into athletic programs in contrast to student health programs. For, across the majority of college campuses, campus athletics are an important part of the image of the college. For college teams, going to nationals, winning championships and having astounding years are all ways to bring recognition, revenue and undergraduates to the campus. Colleges realize this personal, potentially beneficial impact of the success of their sports programs, and therefore desire them to succeed. In light of this possible payout, and indeed because of it, colleges often allocate large sums of funds to these programs in order to give them a further chance to succeed. Proof of this fact can be seen in the readiness of campuses to …show more content…

Thus far all has been common knowledge, however, what is not commonly considered is the juxtaposition between funding for sporting programs, events and teams and funding for health and fitness for students not involved in campus sports or on teams. Though the two may seem thoroughly unrelated, consider that they both are primarily involved with the physical prowess of those subjects involved, and is commonly held to be for the betterment of the individual. Therefore, it seems reasonable that a more even distribution of funds towards campus health and fitness for all students, and funding for specific students through the sports teams funding would contribute a maximized effect on the

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