Argumentative Essay On Adhd

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is the most common behavioural disorder in children, and like most medical problems, experts don’t entirely know and understand how it works or the cause of it. ADHD doesn’t have a physical test for diagnosis, there isn’t even a standardized method of assessment- it’s down to the clinician, whether he/she uses written test, rating scales and most commonly a judgement based on what parents and the teachers tell them. What one doctor would classify as ADHD One of the theory’s concluded from today’s research is that there is an issue with the brain’s rapid absorption of neurotransmitters1 in a brain of an ADHD person . This action means that the brain is unable to process certain chemicals; we notice …show more content…

Methylphenidates and amphetamines. These stimulants are considered some of the safest of all psychiatric medication2. ‘“The risks of using these medications are very low,” says William W. Dodson, M.D., a Denver-based psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD. “The risks involved in not treating ADHD are very high. These include academic failure, social problems”’3. Most children and teenagers (60% to 80%) who take medication become more focused, less disruptive at home as well as at school as the children have become less hyperactive and impulsive. These drugs are however,as already mentioned, are not a cure and will do nothing more than keep the symptoms under control. And Although it may not seem like so much it can all together improves a person’s daily functioning. Many parents struggle to control and help their children with the common additional co-morbid conditions found with ADHD being: cortical “wiring” problems (learning disabilities, language disabilities, severe problems with time planning), tic disorders ( these include motor and oral tics), problems regulating emotions ( including anger problems, anxiety and depression disorder, OCD and possibly bi-polar disorder too). Medication can dramatically help control these problems making home life a healthier place for children and parents. Many parents found medication beneficial not only for their child with ADHD but also the entire family; “ after

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