Argumentative Essay: High Cost Of Immigrants

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I feel that we as the people of the United States of America, needs to have protection. Therefore, we need more advanced border control. Taller walls, and some kind of sensor to detect when the walls are being passed or overthrew it will send out an alert to the nearest patrol. Illegal immigrants take jobs away from legal Americans and citizens. Also illegal labor is cheaper so it lowers the pay scale for everyone in the area. It takes away from police recourses from people who aren't even supposed to be here. People that speak a different language other than English should have to learn our language. We should not have to learn theirs. Before 1819 all the ships that were coming to and from the United States were not being monitored, therefore, immigrants could freely enter our country with no problem at all. There was an act in 1798 that required ship owners to do some reporting, but the act expired, and people continued to come in from all over the map. The Manifest of immigrants act, became established to keep people from other countries out of the …show more content…

They are still being broken and violated every day. We still have immigrants from all over the globe entering and smuggling themselves in the United States. Illegal aliens have been killing people in the united states. The act needs to be in a strict matter, but it has not been. If the act would be put to force in an appropriate manner, then we would not be having all these terrorist coming in and invading our country as often. Maybe 9-11 would have not occurred, our people would not be being killed by Mexicans and other cultures. There would be less terrorist attacks and people stealing our planes. I think the reason that immigration laws are neglected is because, our judicial system is crooked. Nobody pays attention to this law in a correct manner. I believe it is going to take a fairly strong leader to put this law to

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