Argumentative Essay: Gun Control In The United States

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United States Vs. Gun Control
The gun control debate may be one of the most important issues in our society. Gun control is the set of laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms by civilians. Stricter gun control laws are needed since gun control makes weapons less accessible to criminals and the mentally ill, it can reduce the number of homicides, suicides, and accidental shootings in our country. Shootings in the United States has become a very costly affair. From the cost of medical care, disability for some, investigations, and in many cases death. The estimated cost is in the billions each year. There has been an increase in robberies in many neighborhoods, school shootings, and suicides that involve the use of guns. The current laws and regulations in place appear too weak. With gun control laws we can restrict or limit the possession and use of guns.
First, stricter gun control laws in the United States are needed since the second amendment od the constitution does not give all Americans the right to possess weapons. Many American citizens feel that owning a gun is their constitutional right and that they should be able to use the gun as they …show more content…

In a single year, 2007, "guns took the lives of 31,224 Americans in suicides, accidental shootings, and homicides." These shocking statistics not only prove that violence from the misuse and abused of gun privileges are a leading cause of death in this country, but they also show that stronger gun laws are needed to prevent innocent children, women, and men from this. Murders can happen accidentally with a firearm if the weapon is loaded with ammunition and not locked in a safe. Nevertheless, if 30,000 Americans died from a firearm in a single year, action is needed to enforce stronger gun control laws to avoid this many

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