Are the Expectations Raised by Romantic Movies Damaging to Real Relationships and Marriage?

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For years many women have been associating their future and present expectations based on what they’ve learned throughout time. Even at a young age, girls start to build this false sense of reality about what their life should be like especially when it comes to romance and relationships. Although people may say many factors affect the way different women perceive life perfection, the expectations raised by romantic movies are the most damaging to real relationships and marriage. These movies place an emphasis that relationships equal happiness, they set unrealistic standards creating unnecessary pressure on men, and they don’t ever depict what happens after the “happily ever after” ending.
As you grow up you’re exposed to certain beliefs and examples that place emphasis on what the rest of your life will be like. Little girls grow up listening to love stories and watching these movies that place the standard of beauty and ultimately being taught that the only way to achieve pure happiness is to be in love. The best movies that instill these dysfunctional ideas of what life is really...

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