Application Essay: A Career As A Senior Patrol Leader

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Leadership. Such a straightforward term, yet it brings the connotation of importance when I consider its direct impact on my life. Leaders are those who empower others through a collaborative effort between both the leader and the people being led. A leader presents him or herself with a selfless attitude, enthusiasm to coach and enable, and the communication skills to do so effectively. As John Quincy Adams, a former President of the United States, once stated perfectly, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
Leading can be both rewarding and challenging, of course at its respective times. For me, I cherish the opportunity to help others, no matter what capacity of help I am actually …show more content…

What I genuinely value the most in this position is the ability to teach and empower children on their respective life paths and, hopefully, inspire them to become future leaders. Occupying the position of senior patrol leader definitely can be challenging. When working with varying ages of kids, it can be difficult to incorporate tasks in a way that is understandable for all ages. I hope by attending this seminar, I could gain more tips for communicating my ideas in similar instances. Additionally, at school, I like to function under the phrase “lead by example.” I am an active member of a variety of different clubs (Model UN, math club, and Quiz Bowl– to name a few) and I currently take an honors-heavy course load. In this case, the struggle for me is trying to find the time to fit it all into my busy schedule. Hopefully, the leadership seminar provided by HOBY would also incorporate time management techniques, which could have thousands of applications elsewhere in my leadership

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