Annotated Bibliography On Literary Canon

356 Words1 Page

Wynnipher Brito
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Annotated Bibliography

Bates, Jordan. "Literary Canons Exclude Works No Matter How Selective Canon Makers Are."
Daily Nebraskan. N.p., 25 Apr. 2013. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.
The author discusses the use of the literature canon. He explains the history behind the American literature canon. For instance, the American canon was not fully expressed until 1890-1900s, when the first American literature classes were introduced. The American literature canon is influenced by England. Also, he uses quotes of different scholars about their own opinion on the literature canon. I think that this is reliable source because it has opinions of scholars, in which I can use as examples or reference.
"A Literary Canon?" Innovateus. Innovateus,

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