Angry Child Restraining

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There are many ways to deal with an angry or outright furious child. It would seem that everyone has their own opinion on what works best for them and their children. However, the indisputably most effective techniques are rooted in the psychology of the angry child. These techniques include deliberately ignoring the child's behavior, physical restraint of the child, and incentivizing.

The actions of a parent must be motivated by protecting and teaching the angry child. Because of this, a parent should always ignore inappropriate behavior. By bestowing upon them no social graces, the angry child will be forced to embody self expression. This will then lead to a developed sense of individuality later in life. This method works in two ways, because when the parent ignores the problem at hand they are not only giving their child a valuable learning opportunity but also save themselves the bothersome annoyance of reprimanding the bad behavior of the child perpetrated in deep seeded anger at the disinterest the parent has in their development or accomplishments. The parent is often too busy to do a satisfactory job of helping the child to learn from their mistakes anyways, so …show more content…

Physically restraining the child is one of the best ways to prevent the child from hurting himself or others. It is to no detriment to physically restrain an angry child, because if the child was to injure someone or cause irreparable damage to private property, the parent might receive a lawsuit. Lawsuits are not a good way to deal with angry children, due to the children's irrational nature. Responding to an angry child's outburst with physical restraint and removing him from the scene is a means of telling the child that they are not permitted to follow through with such behavior. Because of this, physical restraint is an approved method of dealing with an angry child through psychological

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