Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System

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The nervous is considered to be the master controlling the systems of the body. The way it does this is to communicate through nervous impulse which is very rapid and very specific. The nervous system consist of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS). The peripheral nervous system consists of the cranial nervous, spinal nerves and ganglia. The peripheral nervous system can also be broking down into two categories which are somatic nervous system and parasympathetic system. On the other hand the central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. (fleming-Mcphillips, 2011)

The nervous systems also consist of neurons which are a nerve cell that carries out the functions of the nervous system by sending and receiving impulses. Another neuron that I have learned about would be motor neurons these neurons are very important because they help muscles to contract and gland secretion, these motor neurons are also known as efferent nerves. The efferent neurons give impulses from the neural cell body to the target muscle or organs. Motor neurons also have a process called the axon and dendrites that extend away from it in vary directions. Neurons usually have several dendrites and only one axon. (fleming-Mcphillips, 2011)

The axon is covered in a fatty insulting substance called the myelin sheath. Axon can be several feet long and can reach from the cell body to the area being activated. Dendrites are like tree branches that are unsheathed. Another neuron that’s in the nervous system is the sensory nerve also referred as afferent nerves. This neuron transfer sensory information through the peripheral process. This is the process where impulses are sent to the central nervous system. (fleming-Mcphillip...

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...her cortical areas. It plays a role in voluntary and involuntary motor control and is located between the midbrain and medulla oblongata. (fleming-Mcphillips, 2011)

Lastly the medulla oblongata where nerve centers vital the body survival has control over circulation of blood by regulating the heart beat and arterial blood pressure. The last part of the nervous system would be the spinal cord which extends from the base of the medulla oblongata to the junction between the first and second lumbar vertebrate. Its functions are to conduct sensory impulses from the rest of the body to the brain and send impulses from the brain to the body. (fleming-Mcphillips, 2011)

The nervous system plays a major row in human bodies as you can see. I can conclude that without a nervous system we would be in dangering our selves all the time because we wouldnt be able to feel thing.

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