The Skeletal System In The Human Body

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Skeletal System


The Skeletal system performs vital functions; supports movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storage and endocrine regulation. That enables the human body to survive.

Main Parts / Structures and Functions:

The skeleton is divided into two major parts: the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton forms the central axis of the body and includes skull, spine, ribs, and sternum. The appendicular skeleton includes the appendages, which are the shoulders, arms, hips, and legs.

Example of Cell Specialization:

Osteoprogenitor Cells: Osteoprogenitor cells are immature cells that are mainly based in the bone marrow (a soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which …show more content…

For example, water loss abrasion from outside. The system covers the skin and its appendages. Its main function is to act as an impediment to shield the body from the outside world. It also functions to possess body fluids, protect against disease, oust waste products.

Main Parts / Structures and Functions:

The skin is the biggest organ of the body, with a surface area of 18 square feet. The two most important layers are the epidermis (outer layer) and dermis (inner layer). The epidermis has distinct strata that contain four cell types. Keratinocytes produce keratin, a protein that gives skin its strength and flexibility and waterproofs the skin surface. Melanocytes produce melanin, the dark pigment that gives skin its color. Merkel's cells are probably involved with touch reception.

Example of Cell Specialization:

After the skin, there is a layer called the dermis. The dermis is a broad layer of fibrous and elastic tissue (made mostly of fibrillin, elastin, and collagen) which gives the skin its flexibility and strength. The dermis incorporates nerve endings, sweat glands and oil glands, hair follicles, and blood …show more content…

Second, the nervous system then processes and interprets the sensory input. And finally, the third fundamental function of the nervous system is to acknowledge appropriately to the sensory input.

Neurons dispatch signals to other cells through thin fibers called axons, that cause chemicals acknowledged as neurotransmitters to be released at junctions identified as synapses. A synapse gives a command to the cell and the entire communication process typically takes only a fraction of a millisecond.

Sensory neurons behave to physical stimuli such as light, sound and touch and send observation to the central nervous system about the body’s surrounding environment. Motor neurons, based in the central nervous system or in peripheral ganglia, disseminate signals to mobilize the muscles or glands.

Example of Cell Specialization:

Glial cell: Glial cell is a supportive cell in the central nervous system. Unlike neurons, glial cells do not conduct electrical impulses. The glial cells are around neurons and give support for insulation between them. Glial cells are the most efficient cell types in the central nervous system. Types of glial cells include oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, ependymal cells, Schwann cells, microglia, and satellite

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