Analysis: Why Students Should Be Required To Stay In School

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“Educating is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.” Students should be required to stay in school until they are 18. Some reasons include people making higher wages/incomes, and you have more and better opportunities in life. With these positive outcomes for staying in school kids should be able to become successful in their life.

Students should be required to stay in school until they are 18 because they will have a higher wage. As it was reported in Article 3 “Data Analysis” students with a high school diploma have an average income of “$27,380” and a student with a four year college degree makes about “$46,930.” However students that drop out and don't receive a high school diploma only make …show more content…

Staying in school can lead to better decisions in life. As the author wrote in Article 4 titled “Paul Moran Talks with Missy Remiss on WSCH” it states “ Those without a high school diploma have lower earnings,higher unemployment, lower job satisfaction—they even have a higher likelihood of ending up in jail or on public assistance.” As this evidence shows having a high school diploma and staying school allows kids to have an better job. And an better job equals more money which equals a lesser chance of them ending up in jail. Another opportunity for staying in school is going to school itself. Schools try to make it worthwhile so they can help you later in life. According to the same passage “Paul Moran Talks with Missy Remiss on WSCH” it mentions “They’ve worked hard to make schooling relevant—to offer courses that kids can see will help them get jobs and help them in their adult lives. They also have created several pathways to graduation, so there’s more than one way to succeed.” As you can conclude schools help you along the way so you can graduate and become successful in

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