Analysis Of My Big Five Personality Test

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My Big Five Personality test resulted as low in openness to experience which my score for openness was low at 60%. Openness describes a person tendency that thinks in abstract and complex ways. The high scorers associate ideas and see relationships between things. Someone who scores low tends to see more literally and focus on the practical, straightforward and concrete. People who resulted in low openness are more practical, traditional. Conventional and comfortable in familiar surroundings. People who score low are more conservative and spend their time enjoying entertainment for instances sports, movies and music. They are not interested in art and avoid high-brow cultural activities.
I scored 73% in conscientiousness which is in the moderate …show more content…

Neuroticism can be describing as a person who has the tendency to experience a negative emotion, fear, sadness, anxiety, guilt and shame. People experience this type of emotion sometimes but others can be more prone to it. This trait has been said to be more of an alarm system because people experience the negative as a sign that something may have went wrong. Someone that scores low is more likely to brush the misfortune off and move on. The score indicates that I can experience a negative emotion and that I would feel any type of sadness, worry, anger and guilt as an average person. I am not reactive or resistance to any stress of …show more content…

Solutions with working with other personality types using the information from the big five assessments and the underlying principles of trait theories I suggest taking notes of the personality trait before you hire them. I also suggest look for someone who has a type of personality that fits into your company cultures and pair some of the new employees with team members who has the type of personality as them.
Describe how your results from the assessment compare to the 16 personality

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